resource center

Online Learning Center FAQ

Help Topics

Watch a video on the process

User Accounts

Course Information

For Supervisors

If none of these answer your question, e-mail or call 703-352-6762 for assistance.


How do I create an account for myself?

  1. Visit
  2. Click on "Purchase New Content/ Create New Account."
  3. Click "New User Signup!"
  4. Complete the fields to create your profile.
    CAUTION: The most important step is making sure you are linked with the correct company. You can search by company name or street address. Give the system at least 5 seconds to provide a list of search results. If you are unsure which company to pick, talk to a supervisor. Do not select "My Employer is not listed in Search Results" if you are trying to take any of the QualityPro exams.
  5. Click "Save Profile" and it will bring you to the course registration process.


How do I register for a QualityPro exam or purchase a course for myself?

  1. Visit
  2. Click on "Purchase New Content/ Create New Account."
  3. Log in using your e-mail address and password.
  4. If you are trying to earn CEUs through online training, add your License/Permit/Certification number(s). Otherwise, click "Finish/Skip" to skip this page.
  5. Click the first button: "Select Courses."
  6. Scroll down and "Add" the courses for which you want to register. Once added, they will show up in your "Order Summary" in the upper right part of the page.
    CAUTION: If the pricing looks wrong or you do not have access to courses you need, it means you are linked to the wrong company. STOP and call 703-352-6762 or e-mail
  7. When all the courses you want to take are added, click the "Continue" button under your "Order Summary."
  8. If you need to pay for anything, enter your payment information. If your order is $0.00, simply click "Continue."
  9. You are now registered for the course. You will receive a confirmation e-mail, but here is all you need to know:
    1. To take the course now, click the "Go to NPMA Online Learning Center" button.
    2. To access purchased courses in the future, visit and click "Access Purchased Content."
      CAUTION: You only need to register for a course once.


How do I access courses/exams for which I already registered?

  1. Visit and click the "Access Purchased Content" blue button.
  2. Log in using your e-mail address and password.
  3. Click on the "Courses" tab.
  4. Click on the course you want to take.
How do I get my certificate(s) of completion?
  1. Visit and click the "Access Purchased Content" blue button.
  2. Log in using your e-mail address and password.
  3. Click on the "Certificates" tab.
  4. Click on the "My Certificates" section.
  5. If you want to save/print your certificate of completion, click on "Print Certificate" and then either print the certificate or print to .pdf to save the file.
    CAUTION: If you just save the image it will not have your name on it.

How do I use a voucher code?

CAUTION: Use a voucher code if your company does not want you to use your own credit card and get reimbursed.

  1. Get the voucher code you want to use to pay for a course. This will usually come from a supervisor.
  2. Visit
  3. Click on "Purchase New Content/ Create New Account."
  4. Log in using your e-mail address and password.
  5. If you are trying to earn CEUs through online training, add your License/Permit/Certification number(s). Otherwise, click "Finish/Skip" to skip this page.
  6. Click the first button "Select Courses."
  7. Put the voucher code you were given in the "Enter Voucher Code" field and click "Apply Voucher." The course will appear in your "Order Summary" area for $0.00.
    CAUTION: If you have done this before STOP and visit and click "Access Purchased Content."
    CAUTION: If you get an error, check to make sure there are no spaces at the end of the voucher code you entered. The system will read a space as a character.
  8. When all the courses you want to take are added, click the "Continue" button under your "Order Summary."
  9. If your order is $0.00, simply click "Continue."
  10. You are now registered for the course. You will receive a confirmation e-mail, but here is all you need to know:
    1. To take the course now, click the "Go to NPMA Online Learning Center" button.
    2. To access purchased courses in the future, visit and click "Access Purchased Content."
      CAUTION: You only need to register for a course once.


I can’t remember my username or password

From the login screen click "Forgot User Name or Password?


What courses do I need for QualityPro?

All of the QualityPro exams are available to companies pursuing or maintaining QualityPro accreditation. We welcome and encourage you to use them all as part of your employee training program. What follows are the requirements.

For a company to earn and maintain QualityPro accreditation, it must meet QualityPro Standard 4:1 which involves employees passing the QualityPro exam. 

  • For companies in the US, have sales and service employees take the "QualityPro US for Sales & Service Employees" exam.
  • For companies in Canada, have sales and service employees take one of the following courses:
    • QualityPro Canada for Sales & Service Employees

    • L'examen QualityPro Canada (Français)

Accredited companies can also earn certifications for their services: GreenPro, QualityPro Schools, QualityPro Food Safety, and QualityPro Public Health. To earn and maintain these certifications all employees who perform or sell the certified service must pass the exam.

The service certification exams available at are:

  • GreenPro Exam

  • QualityPro Schools Exam

  • QP Pest Mgmnt in Food Processing & Handling

  • QualityPro Public Health Core Exam (required for both rodent and mosquito)

  • QualityPro Public Health Mosquito Specialty Exam

  • QualityPro Public Health Rodent Specialty Exam

If you have passed a QualityPro exam through a previous employer and would like a copy of your certificate of completion, contact


How do I create an account for someone else?

CAUTION: this function is only available to individuals designated as Company Administrators in the NPMA database. To be added as a company administrator, have one of your current administrators e-mail Your company administrators are listed on your NPMA profile.

  • To see who is currently in the NPMA system from your company (and remove them if needed):
    1. Log in to your NPMA Member Center.
    2. Click "Manage My Group"
    3. Click "View Branch Listing"
    4. Click "View Employees"
    5. If there are any on the list that should not be there, check off the "Remove" box and then click "Remove From Company" at the bottom.
  • To add new people one-by one:
    1. Do 1-4 above
    2. Click "Click here to Add New People"
    3. Fill in the fields (First Name, Last Name and Email are required) and click "Submit." Their default password will be npma.
  • To bulk-add employees:
    1. Download the bulk upload template excel.
    2. Fill in employee information (FirstName, LastName, Email, and the number 1 in the Create Web User? column are required).
      CAUTION: Don't forget to put 1 in column F.
    3. Do 1 and 2 above.
    4. Click "Browse," find the AddPerson excel file you completed in step 2, and click "Upload." Their default password will be npma.


How do I purchase a course for others (a voucher code)?

CAUTION: Vouchers should be used when you don't want individuals paying for their own courses. A person shouldn't purchase a voucher for a course and then use that voucher code to pay for his/her own course.

A voucher code will be good for the number of uses you initially set. Once purchased, you cannot add more uses to a code. Once the code is used up, purchase a new voucher.

  1. Visit
  2. Click on "Purchase New Content/ Create New Account."
  3. Log in using your e-mail address and password.
  4. Click "Finish/Skip" to skip the licenses/permits/certification page.
  5. Click the second button "Select Vouchers."
  6. "Add" the course for which you want to purchase a voucher. A screen will pop up asking you for the quantity. (This is the number of people you want to give the code to in order for them to get the course.) Click Add.
  7. Once added, it will show up in your "Order Summary" in the upper right part of the page. You can add multiple course vouchers to your order. Each course requires a unique voucher code.
  8. When all the vouchers you want are added, click the "Continue" button under your "Order Summary."
  9. Enter your payment information and click "Continue."
  10. You will receive a confirmation e-mail with the voucher code (a 16 digit number beginning in VCH-).
    CAUTION: If you do not receive this e-mail check your spam filter. If you still do not find it, contact
  11. Give that code (including VCH-) to employees along with these instructions.


How do I monitor the course purchases and progress of my employees?

Staff at NPMA/QualityPro can work with you to schedule reports that get sent to you (and others at your company) with whatever frequency you desire. Contact to set this up.


How do I view my employee’s certificates of completion?

Staff at NPMA/QualityPro can work with you to make it so you can access the certificates of completion of your employees. Contact to set this up.

If your employees passed an exam at the old testing site ( contact to get their certificate. They will not show up in the new system.
